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Please be sure to contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Appraisal Network Services is NOT an AMC. Appraisal Network Services serves as an appraiser helpmate to establish order opportunities through a wide database of National and Regional Lenders as well as AMCs by using ANS’s Network of Accounts.
Appraisal Network Services is owned and operated by full time appraisers who have provided residential service for over 30 years . We have partnered with the best appraisers in the industry to market them to our extensive list of clients that consist of AMC's, Direct Lenders and Banks.
ANS’s Network of Accounts targets Lenders and AMCs licensed to operate in each appraiser’s state. In addition, our decades of nationwide experience provide a depth of market knowledge and industry relationships not commonly found in one appraiser resource.
Yes. The team at ANS has years of industry experience, particularly in setting up accounts for larger firms, including establishing and maintaining client profiles for as many appraisers as needed for your company.
This typically takes between 4-6 weeks depending on how quickly we can receive the information needed from the appraiser.
No need to worry. Appraisal Network Services wants to ensure our accounts are an avenue of new opportunity for you. Our team will coordinate with you to omit clients you are already approved with and target gains for you. We respect client relationships the appraiser has worked hard to establish and does not wish to negatively impact the current workflow. item.
No. Appraisal Network Services is simply a setup service for YOUR business. We are NOT reflected in client approvals established for you. Order notifications will be sent from the client/account to the appraiser’s email address and fees for work completed are paid from the client directly to the appraiser.
In today’s environment, there is never a guarantee of orders. However, Appraisal Network Services wants to cast a wide net to provide each appraiser with as many order volume opportunities as possible for your company.
No. Appraisal Network Services is your client liaison. We lift the burden from you of having to hire an employee to sign your company on to over 100+ accounts - which is very time-consuming. This allows you, the appraiser to maintain your company, and focus fully on your productivity and not on trying to find clients and generate more opportunities for appraisal work.
Appraisal Network Services charges an annual fee for each one of our three programs. This includes the annual maintenance of all your accounts from 100 to 200..
There are no additional costs to worry about. We make it simple for you to bridge the gap between orders!
Appraisal Network Services
3379 Peachtree Road NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Toll Free: (888) 264-1531 Phone: (404) 990-3561
© Copyright 2024 Appraisal Network Services